How to Make a Handout for a Presentation?

Accompanying a presentation in the university, a handout is often expected. But what does everything have to stand on the handout so that it is not overloaded but still gives your fellow students enough information? Plagiarism Experts has the information for you, which you need to create the perfect handout.
How to make a handout for a presentation? Essential features?
- Maximum 1-2 pages
- A4
- Formatted
- Summary of the content
- Follows the chronological structure of the unit
- Should serve as a souvenir support
- Sources are not missing
What is a handout, and what do you need it for?
A handout is a single or maximum two-sided document that you spend the audience of your lecture in printed form. The name program: “to hand out” from English is translated with handle or handing out. Immediately before your presentation, the handout of your audience offers an overview. During your unit, the handout serves for orientation for your fellow students, and then they can look up or use it as souvenir support. Not every lecturer calls on handouts, but it is a valuable help for your fellow students to follow the content of your presentation better. And eventually, you benefit from an attentive audience! So what has to be on it?
What must be on the handout?
First of all, your name or the names of all references, the date, and the event’s name are in the header. Likewise, you should specify the name of the instructor and, if necessary, the respective semester. If you forget these essential framing data, you can be sure that your fellow students can probably no longer be able to classify the context in which you have heard the presentation. Then the headline of your presentation comes to the handout.
A good headline consists of a crunchy title (also gladly formulated as a slightly provocative question) and an informative subtitle. Subsequently, the content follows your unit in chronological order. Keep your lecture structure. However, you allow the introduction and the summary at the end of the presentation. Lastly, your sources are not missing to show your audience where your information comes from.
How should the handout look like?
Suppose your university or your seminar line no other information can be known. In that case, you can orient yourself to the following formal guidelines: Your handout should be printed in DIN-A4 format and do not exceed two pages for a 45-minute station. Print the paper double-sided. Use the Times New Roman font in font size 12 or 11 for the flowing text. For headings, the font size 14 or underlines is suitable. Use italicization and another formatting economical. Choose a line spacing of at least 1.0 and the highest 1.5. So that everything remains clear, use best the block set. Use your PowerPoint presentation as a template for the outline.
List critical points, but give your audience a poetic information abundance than they occur in your presentation. If you want to insert a graphic, do not forget the over-and signature and customize in grayscale when you print in black and white. The sources must be quoted uniformly and in font size 10 in the last section of your handout. Do not forget the headline here.
How to make a handout for a presentation? A perfect handout for a presentation in the university is very clearly – clear and informative! It is also understandable without the representation and brings the current topic to the point without being overweight. For your listeners, it is a support and a valuable summary after the presentation. It is also free of images that do not have an informative added value and other links. Use Word, InDesign, or Google Docs to create your handout and resist the temptation to use the PowerPoint handset master. Please make a friend or roommate about looking at your handout when you are unsure. Does that understand the subject without having heard the presentation? Then your handout is perfect!
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